Be part of a bigger mission - Plastic Free July

Did you know that the whole month of July is dedicated to Plastic Free July.

Throughout the month of JULY we're Crowdfunding to make our mission of making every period plastic free a global success - will you please support us?


More about Plastic Pollution
Is not as widely acknowledged as it should be. We saw a mini revolution around people ditching the single use plastic straw, a few years back. But did you know the average period product, a period pad or tampon is a single use plastic product too? This way these products 'always' stay around polluting the planet.

Our partners in our Plastic Free Mission.
Working together brings BIG changes - when you're on a mission as big as ours - to eliminate plastics on period products - then it's important to partner with people who believe in your mission too.⁠

That's why for our JULY Crowdfunding campaign we've partnered with:⁠

  • Green Pod
  • Plastic Pollution Coalition
  • City to Sea
  • Tree Nation
  • Plastic Free July

Why plastic free periods matter
Plastic is forever. Petroleum-based plastics like PET do not decompose in the same manner that organic material does. Unlike wood, grass and food scraps, these plastics are unrecognizable to the organisms that normally break organic matter down and thus do not biodegrade. Choosing plastic free makes a huge difference to our bodies, our planet and our future.

Here's how to get involved:

  1. Head over and support our crowdfunding mission,
  2. Choose your perk and level of support
  3. Help us to eliminate Plastic Period Waste
  4. You get a pair of our organic period undies to say a huge thanks.
  5. Thank you for supporting our Plastic Free Periods Mission

So, be part of a bigger mission through JULY and support our PLASTIC FREE PERIODS Crowdfunder to get your own pair of 100% organic Period Undies.

Head over and support our crowdfunding mission>>
